Friday, March 30, 2012

ATI Radeon 9800 Pro Mac Edition Video Card 100-435058

ATI Radeon  9800 Pro Mac Edition Video Card 100-435058
  • After hosing an NVidia GeForce 4600 Titanium 128MB graphics card and my 20" Apple cinemascope LCD monitor by trying a demo of Quake 4 without checking the specs more carefully (yes, it was truly a bonehead move), I looked around for the best possible replacement graphics card for my PowerMac G4 FW800 DP-1.425 Ghz. One that would safely run Quake 4. All reviews and even Apple's own "geniuses" at the store recommended the ATI Radeon 9800 Pro Mac Edition. I paired it with a new 23" Apple HD display now selling at 1/2 the price it used to sell for. The results are sharp and the demos which showcase the graphics features are quite impressive for this now aging system now almost…
  • I use a Quicksilver (2002) Dual 1Ghz G4 Mac. this specific edition of the 9800 (which DOES have 256mb of vram) is the highest level video card you will be able to get for a Quicksilver mac. I used to be using a GeForce 4mx along with an old original Radeon PCI card. Now I use both heads on the same 9800 card (I could add a third on the old radeon if I wanted to). It works swimmingly! I've played all the way through Lego Star Wars (which says my pre-9800 configuration is at the bottom of the rung, but would not run on the GeForce). I only notice slowdown if I turn on the shadows effect. This slowdown has to do with the processor or AGP bus speed, and not the video card.This is the best thing…
Product Features
  • 256MB of DDR Memory
  • 8 Parallel Rendering Pipelines
  • 4 Parallel Geometry Engines
  • SmartShader 2.1 - full support for Microsoft DirectX 9.0, 2.0 Vertex & Pixel Shaders,
  • SmoothVision 2.1 - full-scene anti-aliasing & anisotropic filtering


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